Who is the audience?
Local visitors / School Field Trips
Travelers with all ages / Blues Song Lovers
Experience Goals
How do we create an interactive that helps visitors understand the very human sentiments that go into blues music by approaching a song through the lens of storytelling?
Visitors are prompted to make visual story selections that build a blues song–a setting that sets the mood of the backing track, characters with accompanying lyrics, and emotional responses represented by riffs or solos. As they progress, they come to understand the structure and call-and-response style of the blues.
1. Foundational: African Americans have played a central role in creating the American soundtrack.
2. Lived Experience: Social, economic, political, and “lived” experiences have shaped African American music.
3. Self-Exploration: Enabling discovery through a free-flow self-exploration.
4. Orientation: Guide visitors to other galleries based on their interests.